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About me...

Is there anything which could quieten a person who otherwise has so much to say on everything and nothing? I have discovered that there is. It is “About me” section. When I was asked to say few lines about me, I thought it was easy, only that it was not.

After thinking of a thousand lines and trashing almost all of them as rubbish, I gave up in trying to describe me as a person. I instead am going to describe a part of me which would be now known to you… as a writer.

I would like to call myself a story teller, who would be in shadows and would let the story to unfold before the readers’ eyes with my presence permitted to being behind the screen, without interfering with the readers’ conscious.

Characters I sketched might not be real in true sense of the word, but they are as human as anyone of us is, who have a story to tell, for which I am only a medium.

The day I am convinced that my readers would see my characters as real people; I might come out of the shadows, but till then, I would be just a voice.

And hey, the voice has a name ;). Shika it is.


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